Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kids want it all...............

Today I was invited to teach at the YMCA kids programs, so off we set for a morning of crafts and activities, the kids were great, we had 32 children to make soap art undersea dioramas and pet rocks.

Armed with full instructions and plenty of leaders on hand to assist we unleashed them to create as they will.
It was fascinating to watch as I realised for a child there is a glorious sense of abundance, "I want it all............. and why not!"

Forget minimalist, these kids (well most of them) wanted as much as they could possibly cram into the one soap, so cram they did, they had it all, shimmers, fish, soap penguins, soap rocks, in it all went.

We suggested that simple can sometimes look better, but no, in it went..............

Soap set, they moved onto pet rocks (& did a great job), then it became time for the grand reveal.
The soaps were carefully unmolded and their creations revealed.

Some of the fun little personalities loved the abundance of 'stuff' in their soap, but it was really interesting observing many that looked at the simpler soaps and said "that one really does look the best, next time I am not going to add so much in".

It was interesting in watching their own awakening that sometimes more is not always the best or the greatest abundance.
I realised had I tried to control what they created and tell them what to do they would not have had this awakening themselves. If I had of restricted what they could have added their soap would have looked lovely (perhaps better) which therefore is often what we find ourselves as parents doing, however it is our lesson (as the parents) to catch ourselves doing this and stop!
Allow them to create what they will and then sit back and learn from their own creations, their own experiences what works best for them.
In this manner, they own their experience, they grow from it and make their own choices in the future.
Not always an easy thing to let go of and allow to happen, especially when you know your finished product may look better than theirs (& in a class like this it is the representation of what they show their parents that YOU taught them).
However, as we work through manifesting greater abundance and success in our lives it becomes our duty to allow others to grow and learn from / with us also, it is our duty to awaken the mind to possibilities and allow us to grow together.

I have a picture in my office of a very tiny and high pointed mountain peak, a goat has climbed up and is standing balancing a large board on the mountain point, saying "hop on, there's always room at the top".

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