Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let go of what doesn't serve you..........

We all know it, we've all hung on to something that is old, worn out, better keep it in case I get: fat / pregnant / skinny / cold in the future
Perhaps it's the worn out jumper that always makes you look older but you MUST keep it because it cost $299.00
It never looks good on you, never has, isn't that comfortable, but it cost $299.00!
So it stays

Have a think about all the things you cling to, effectively you are buying into your own sense of lack, you MAY need it, you MAY not have money again.
What would happen if you let go.

What if someone dropped 32 million dollars into your bank account tomorrow to spend as you like, would you keep that old jumper?
I'm tipping it would be at the op shop by lunchtime.

So why not imagine you have that type of abundance.

It's an interesting exercise, every time you find yourself wondering: is it the right business move for me, is it the right school for the kids, which hotel / restaurant should we go to, should I keep this jumper, imagine that sort of money just sitting in your bank account waiting for you.
As it sits there it is gaining 10% interest every year, that's another $3.2 million dollars a year just in interest (I picked 10% as it was easy to calculate, maybe you'd get 12.5% or maybe just 8%, but just to give an idea.
So here you are accruing $3.2 million dollars a year just in interest - what on earth are you going to do with that and that accrues every year and if you don't spend it you have more next year.
Forget the capital, we're just talking interest here.
Sure you'll give some to charity, help out some others, pay taxes, who knows at the end of the year you may only be left with $2 million in interest - don't worry - you have the capital and you can manifest more if you want.

Now, go back to those choices above, money is absolutely no concern what so ever for you, which career choices would you take, which school would you send the kids to, which hotel / restaurant would you visit?
Are your choices the same?
If not, then you are not truly aligned with your divine connection to the abundance of the universe.

You see, we don't always go for the biggest, the best, the most expensive just because of money. I have chosen to stay in a tent rather than the Sheraton sometimes, because that is the experience our family wants. I often prefer to stay in little guest houses in villages rather than hotels - because that's the experience I want.

So when I visualise the endless bank account, my choices don't change - I still choose the tent, great 0- you are connected to what your soul really wants.
If however your choices change once money comes into the picture, then you may need to look at the obstacles that are blocking you walking in harmony with your true desires and perhaps do it anyway.

If doing the task is going to place further restraints on you down the track, then you must take baby steps and perhaps just have the muffin AND the coffee today.

This visualisation is particularly helpful when you have a choice to make and you don't know what to do, by imagining the endless bank account, you kn ow where your heart truly wants to be and you may acknowledge that and jump on it and do it - you'll be amazed how often the universes says "OK, sure, we'll support your choices" or at the least you will gain clarity on the best choices for you and your family.

A little while back we were dreaming of putting our eldest in a private school at $28,000.00 per year, we wanted it but we just 'couldn't afford it' so we always had the wishing, then one night we sat down and talked it out, we realised we really could afford it if that's what we truly wanted to do, we could make some changes and slide that right in.
We then imagined the endless bank account and where he would be and you know - the most amazing thing, when all money constaints were removed...............
We imagined the school was completely free to send him to, guess what....................

We saw him happily home schooling!

It wasn't what we were expecting, but it felt completely right, he and our family felt settled and we realised for him - for this particular child, school wasn't the best fit - our youngest is now at that school and our eldest is blossoming with his home schooling.

What happened is that by allowing ourselves to have a choice in our minds, a right to rule our own destiny, we made the best possible choices for us as a family and you know what - they were they choices we had already made anyway.
The only difference was that now - we were happy with them!

He asked me today if he may buy an online physics program for his I Pod at $2.49, bless his heart, he came to my office asking me like it was a $10,000 program, he presented the pros and cons, leaning heavily on the 'it's educational and part of my home schooling" pro.

In the past, I have said no to all these things, however now that the youngest is at private school, I know how much we are paying for her to be there and in my mind have allocated a roughly equal amount to his home schooling. I can't in a pink fit, imagine spending that sort of money on home schooling, but energetically in my mind - it's there!
Why not
Did he get the $2.49 physics program?
Absolutely............. and he's absolutely thrilled about it!

An affirmation for today:

I now release the past, I release worn out things in my life, I release worn out relationships, worn out clothes, worn out states of mind. I embrace a fresh wave of energy that sweeps over me bringing abundance, freshness & bliss. I am in perfect working order as is everything in my life. I have enough money for everything that is important to me.

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