Thursday, December 16, 2010

How blessed you feel atttracts blessings

Today began much as any other day does, but then the wheels turned.....................
Pa announced he had 1 more day of meals on wheels deliveries and would take eldest son with him.... OK - 1 down!

Darling husband (DH) sets the alarm for 7.30am, why ? To catch some early bird special a local store is having that he just has to have - OK - 2 down!

Daisy after her (wiggly) haircut

Darling daughter (DD) gets up, happy to spend the morning with me but decides as it's the last day of meals on wheels she must go too ........ OK - 3 down!
Just me and the baby dog at home (who had a wee haircut, well OK she wriggled so much DH says she looks like she fell into a tank of piranhas who bit chunks out of her - but now she is OH so tiny......)
The children had worn her out so she begged for a lap and promptly fell asleep - all 5 inches of her.

So there I am, crazy busy lifestyle, people everywhere all the time, a million things to do and the house goes silent............. Well there's always things to do, buuuut.......... oh the joy, the bliss, the peacefulness of quiet time, just for a little while.

I snuggled into the couch and looked out down the valley, the chooks were loudly announcing they had laid another "biiiiigggg errgggg", the peacock was cawking (well it's kind of hard to describe the noise a peacock makes) out to the chooks, the sun was out. You know that feeling of "my world is just fine".

There's something great about kids and chooks

The cheque I was telling you about (from a written off debt) arrived yesterday and was laying on the bench winking abundance at me and from last evenings Qi Gong class break up and the Spiritual development circle break up our benches were heaving with gifts, home made chocolate truffles and well wishes.

I realised in this moment the wonder of abundance, there wasn't a single thing more in that moment I would have wished for.

It wasn't the money, it wasn't the food and treats, it wasn't the beautiful location, the happy pets, the sense of self sufficiency, the letters blessing us for the healing and teachings we had brought into students/clients lives, it wasn't the Christmas cards and candy canes from the kids friends, it wasn't the photos of friends in exotic locations travelling the world with us that adorned the walls, not even the worm farm which removed us from sewerage, the fruit trees that are flourishing along the worm farm run off pipes, the solar panels blazing on the roof pumping back into the grid, it wasn't any one of those things.............. It was all of them!

True abundance comes in many forms but I realised it never comes in only one.

If we focus on attracting money to the exclusion of all else, life becomes unbalanced. If we focus on self sufficiency but don't create a cash flow so we are unable to join friends at a cafe, life becomes unbalanced.
If we focus on OUR family and forget to give back to the community - life becomes unbalanced.

In order to achieve true abundance we need to create ABUNDANCE - which means "to have everything that is important to you"

I thought about my list of what is important to me, here it is (this is mine, but just to give you a guideline I would like to share it with you, it would be really helpful if you wrote out a list of what was important to you in your life so you may begin achieving it), not in order of importance, just as the thoughts appear:
  • Peace & harmony
  • Travel
  • Feeling loved
  • Having someone (or many) to love
  • A beautiful home that is comfortable and relaxed with enough space for all & the necessary requirements to be comfortable, space to create / work / be artistic
  • Privacy and a garden
  • Basic self sufficiency - including eco awareness and living in harmony with the earth, lowering our carbon footprint, creating our own energy and food supplies
  • Gorgeous healthy food, including fresh fruits and vegetables
  • enough money to do what ever we want whenever we want
  • Lovely, well running cars
  • Technology
  • Staff Support, a successful business
  • The ability to share and give back to the community, service to others
  • Healing work
  • Sharing classes, information, communing with others
  • Entertainment - movies, TV, Theatre when we want it
  • Music - instruments, the ability to pick up and play
  • A sense of community
  • Freedom to live our life the way we want to
  • The ability and choices to school / home school our children
There's probably a few more in there, but that covers the basics and hopefully may point you in the right direction to get your own list started.
Once you have worked out what it is that is important to you, write a list, this is your next step in creating all you want.
The universe cannot provide what you want if you do not know it yourself. By creating a list you are loudly and clearly stating "this is what is important to me, this is what I want"
The universal energies can then support you by saying "OK, sure, glad we got that clear, lets set about manifesting that list then - let's go"

It is really interesting to see how quickly these things can formulate, once you write them down, do this today - grab a piece of paper/book, write out your list of "necessary for abundance" items.

Back to my day....... there I was surrounded by all the things that mean true abundance to me and I realised in that moment how truly blessed we were.
I sat down and gave thanks to the universe for creating this wonderful space and sent blessings out to all those who were open to receive them.

By the way - if you wish to be included in these blessings each day add your name in under this post - many people read these posts (I know as I can see the numbers that log on, but very few so far have taken the time to add in to them), if you have someone else that you would like included in these blessings, add them in too.
We can generate a Qi Field that includes peoples names in this blog, let us know when changes start to happen for you too.

I realised that we had managed to include all the things that meant true blessings for us.
In realising this and giving thanks the door is opened even further for more blessings to enter.

So today - I have 2 tasks for you:
  1. Create your true abundance list
  2. Look around and recognise the blessings you have already created and give thanks for them
Happy Manifesting..............................


  1. My husband and I both regularly acknowledge all the things we are grateful for upon awakening and before sleep. We have been doing a lot of work around our house; particularly in the garden. We have been able to share time with friends and family over the festive period and they too have appreciated the results and fruits of our labour. I have enjoyed cleaning and fine tuning my clinic room in readiness for being able to provide more service. We are looking forward to more clearing out when we do hard garbage in the coming weeks. I am being more ruthless - and letting go of attachment to unnecessary belongings. IT has been liberating and uplifting. WE feel blessed and the harmony between all family members is wonderful.

  2. Hi Lesley, love your blog and would love to add my name to your list of abundance but "blush" I don't know how..... Love Sabine

  3. Oh and P.S. Does decluttering mean removing people as well as stuff from your home? Sabine

  4. Feeling blessed that our tenants are safe in the qld floods, even though are beautiful townhouse has been flooded. Photos show the filth but our hearts feel pleased that everyone is safe and that they have an alternative home to go to. We are safe here in Melb.

  5. Hello
    Yes, most certainly, if people are not uplifting you, sometimes it is time to recognise that your paths are not crossing for the right reasons at this point in time and let it go with open doors for the future.

    To add your name in, just go to the last post (the first one written and add in your details in the comments there)
