Sunday, February 27, 2011

Back on track.............

Isn't it funny how when you have things that rock your world, you allow them to take you off track............... only normal we all say, but is it?

The last few posts I have popped on here have been rather self indulgent, more like a diary of my own personal voyage and in many ways in reflecting on this, although they are all in line with creating a flow of energies for abundance, perhaps a little too off track of sharing personal information.

Soooo, what comes out of this, for me it has been a revelation that things were not quite where they were meant to be in life, with abundance, etc.

I have had a couple of days where I have been able to have meditation space (well I forced the time to make this possible and sure it was sitting by the side of a roller skating rink whilst the kids were having lessons, but hey - doesn't matter!)
I have had immense symbology present itself to me and I realised through this blog and the Spiritual Development circle that I would like to share more of this insight and divine guidance, however, perhaps this is not the forum for it.

In the future I will be commencing a new body of work, streamlining what we cover in Spiritual Development circle each week with the classes being filmed and DVD's available if required, so for this body of work, I would now like to get firmly back into where we started - creating abundance in YOUR life (OK, mine too, but this is a guide for YOU).
Short personal update - camper van is fabo' great fun!
Foot got blood poisoning which moved up my leg within 24hrs - yikes! (well the nail had been in the chook run with possible fecal matter on it), just about to go to hospital and Daryll mixed up a homoeopathic for puncture wounds, took it and within 2 minutes all the heat, pain and redness has disappeared (around midnight) the next morning - it was all healed and gone!
Inner child - nurtured - tick!
Peacefulness regained - tick!
Life back on track - tick!
Changes being made, symbols being presented AND listened to - tick!
Back on track with "everyday-abundance" - tick!
Here we go:
A few posts back we discussed blockages that may be holding you back from achieving your potential, hopefully you have had some time to reflect on these, practice some and bring some back into new perspective.

I hope you have uncovered some of your own blockages and restrictions and set about releasing them so you may embrace your own true abundance.

It's one thing to uncover these emotions and blockages, another to release them and allow the energies to flow abundantly through you.
To assist with this, lets go back to basics, read the first few chapters here and re-do your grounding visualisation and your flowing abundance visualisation.

Re-center yourself, re-ground and allow the pathways to open for energies to flow through - go on - do it now.
Let's see if it creates some change, tomorrow I will add some thoughts here as to the best way to remain centred when you feel people are 'attacking' you.
Happy manifesting!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All is well in my world

It's a funny thing when something happens in life that rocks your world.
Doesn't matter if it's a relationship break up, computer crash or an injury.
A shock resonance is set up, this can often be combated with Renascent Emergency  essence, some kinesiology emotional stress release &/or a good healing session, however, the shock is generally there.

An energy goes out into the ethers and if you are unaware of it, before you know it, it is disrupting further relationships, creating more injuries and causing ill feelings.

If in the moment of stress, you are really able to let go and trust that everything in your world is divinely planned and this is just a down to the ups in the hills of your life. You can generally get over this energy ripple.

I am a little disappointed with myself this week as I let this computer crash throw an energy ripple through my life. I forgot to trust, I gave in to the "oh, my goodness" feelings. I forgot it is all organised and sadly I let it affect myself and people around me.
Goodness, why do we still forget even after everything has been working so well for months????

Ah well, like a child that falls down when learning to walk, you don't admonish the child, you just pick them up, dust them off, stand them on their feet and praise them for trying.

I had to do this for my inner child tonight.

Let's go back a few days......................

You may recall we had a HUGE computer crash last year and nothing was able to be retrieved even by the best tech's. I think the shock energy of that may have been lingering in my mind, so when a similar thing happened a few days ago. I revisited these feelings - drats!
I reconciled myself with the possibility of 3 months of work being gone again and I thought I was OK.

Did I take Emergency Essence - no!
Did I use a practitioner disc to clear my aura - no!
Did I walk in the bush and commune to reconnect with nature - no!
Did I acknowledge my inner child and my feelings of helplessness and allow my spirit guide to comfort, support and love me - no!

What I did do was push on, don't we do this in life so often, we think we are strong enough to cope, we'll be fine, we need to be a pillar of strength for others and so we smile on the outside, toughen up and push on. And then what ..............

Well for me, it started when I needed to trim some roses, I caught my finger and in a moment of not thinking ripped it away from the source of the pain very quickly thus tearing my hand right open.
Then the children began to bicker and instead of separating and talking and sharing it all became too much and I stomped off to be alone for a while.
Daryll tried to fix a few things for me and instead of speaking lovingly - noticing the effort he was making, I snapped at him, until he shrugged and walked away.

I knew what to do, but did I ? (all of the above) Nope - I pushed on!
Out of alignment with the universe and knowing it, yet too busy to stop for a few moments to fix what continued to slow me down!

We brainstormed and came up with computer solutions so this could never happen again, armed with new online servers, endless back up hard drives in several locations and new computers, I pondered that perhaps it was a small wake up call for valuable IT material and now it had been noticed and secured, maybe just maybe, we'd get it all back again.

Naturally that was what occurred, all material rightfully returned once the message had been heard and safely backed up.

I guess that is where the story would stop, universe sends a message, people don't listen, universe makes the lesson a bit more shocking, people act on situation, universe re-balances the situation, all well and good!

Except for one thing, the man (or in my case woman) made energy ripple that has gone out.
I do a cleansing of the house, a clearing of energies and all feels better, things seem to flow again, abundance which had been previously blocked for 2-3 days, immediately flows back in again.

It was quite amazing, around 2 minutes after the clearing, orders simply flooded in, people called for bookings, items were sold, invitations to parties arrived - all the minute I released the blockage and allowed it to flow.

You would think I was content - aha! Not so, instead of loving my inner child, I admonished myself for speaking harshly, not having patience with the children and most of all - not trusting that things WERE divinely ordered. I was disappointed in myself, I thought "you should know better, you could have done that better".
Goodness, I was energetically giving my inner child a hiding with a wooden spoon rather than a big hug and congratulations.
Looking up, my father (who had just arrived) says "the chickens are on your balcony again" as I shoosh them down the stairs I jump off the bottom step onto a plank of wood .................. with a 2 inch nail sticking up out of it ....................... yes, if I hadn't punished / hurt myself enough yet, let's make sure the job is done.

As if in slow motion I felt the nail pierce the sole of my shoe, press into my skin, pierce the skin and push up through the muscles and tendons of my foot.
Was I sad, nope! Did I hug my inner child - nope!
I just thought "now look what you have done you silly girl"

Wow - have I got it in for myself lately!

Using my other foot on the wood I pushed up and off the nail (yep, it was in all the way), I hobbled inside, just as Daryll arrived home and told him. He shrugs and says "oh well, you had a shoe on right?"
I pull the shoe off and a cascade of blood pours out of the shoe, it was like one of those hospital series on television where everyone leaps back and gasp holding their mouth.

They all help to clean me up and then disappear, leaving me sitting there looking at a gaping hole and a rapidly swelling foot, a tiny voice inside whispers in a shaky voice "I'm hurt"

Oh my goodness, I FINALLY remember the inner child.
"I'm sorry" I whisper, I energetically embrace her for the first time all week, I feel the hug, the warmth and the gentleness, all thoughts of disappointment and anger dissolve away.
I forgive myself, I remind myself it doesn't matter if we get our of alignment with the universe, it just matters that we get up and have another go. I realise we try to be kind to all those around us and forget ourselves.

I breathe .......................................

May your day be blessed, may you forgive your inner child no matter what they have done (even eating the entire box of chocolates), may you not need to hurt yourself, may you be kind, loving and gentle, may you remember you are a divine being with a divine soul purpose on this earth existence, may you get up, dust yourself off and have another go at whatever it is you are working on achieving and may I thank you on behalf of all universal energies for sharing your efforts and enlightenment with us all.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Can't breathe!!!!!

today was the day I was going to back up the massive files I had been working until 5am every night on, had to wait as it rendered the computers inoperable for 16 hours, so today it was.
Last night the power flicked on and off for oh you know - a millisecond!!!!!!
All gone, hub dead - nooooooooo
Everything for the last 3 months I had been rebuilding gone.......................................

Slight chance it's still there but as the hub has been restoring backup since 11pm Saturday night and still going won't know until tomorrow
Feel free to pray for us.

Feeling a little bit ill all over again for the day

Once again, I forget to trust the universe and the divine plan, couldn't sleep all night, kept waking up in a little panicky state. Drats. Even with all I know, why oh why is it so hard to trust the universe sometimes?

LATER TONIGHT - posting at 2.30am!
On the positive, we have decided that's it, not doing this again
Daryll has been researching online storage all night, we figure it will cost around $10 per month to upload around 50 gig and can be accessed from anywhere
For now, he's going to buy an external hard drive which will get carried from the house to the office and plugged in and a new office computer.
However, we HAVE discovered an online site that allows this to happen :penguinCS:
OMG - it is amazing - you get 5 gig for free and simply upload your files to their server, it holds them and can be accessed from any computer anywhere, you can invite whomever you like to log in (& bushfires included - they aren't physically here)
Tonight I am trying to get Daryll to burn some CD's for students to disc but no way of getting the files to him, just uploaded them and he now has them on his computer and is now beginning the burn (took about 2 minutes)
We now have those files on my computer, on line server and his computer. Wow - it seems to have a heap of features and if you need more I think 50 gig is around $10 per month.
Will investigate further, may be helpful is you aren't backing up or don't have a spare drive to so so to.
Ahhhh......... finally I can feel like I can breathe.............
Now I wonder whether all the files are gone or the universe just wanted to wake us up, lets see what pans out.

BTW - sat in the dark in the camper on the drive last night and pretended we were camping - hehe! In no time at all Daryll & I were giggling away at inside jokes like school kids, we had a terrific time and this morning the kids are most jealous.

Affirmation for the above:
All is well in my world, everything the universe sends to me is for a reason, I now grow and embrace change knowing I am always divinely supported.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Using affirmations to uncover and release negative beliefs

A lot of reprogramming the mind has to do with uncovering subconscious beliefs that are blocking the expression of the state of mind desired. These beliefs which create both your inner and outer worlds are below the threshold of the conscious mind - at the level of the subconscious mind. It is here that our experiences, past memories and our reality creating beliefs are stored.
For example, you want to believe your affirmation, I now love and accept myself exactly as I am, to build your self worth and acceptance. Yet, maybe your conditioning has led you to believe that you are not accepted. Therefore every time you tell yourself you are O.K., your subconscious mind contradicts with what it believes to be true.

                Conscious Mind                                                  Subconscious Mind
     I now love & accept myself exactly as I am            I’m afraid you don’t
     I now love & accept myself exactly as I am            In fact there’s a lot you don’t like
     I now love & accept myself exactly as I am            You don’t like much at all about yourself

This pattern may be very well known by some of us. As your subconscious mind shows you to be unworthy, your affirmations fall on deaf ears. What makes this process so insidious is that you may not even be aware your subconscious mind is sabotaging all your efforts.
You never understand why your affirmations fail when other peoples seem to work so well for them. Despite all your hard work you stay in exactly the same place. Sound familiar ?
We talk to ourselves constantly, even if it is only in our mind. That’s O.K. The problem is - we believe what we say. Have a think about what you’re dumping in your mind. Decide whether it is failure directed or success directed.

Here’s some examples of failure directed affirmations:
                People don’t like me                           I need to lose two stone/kgs/lbs
                I’m losing my memory                       It’s hereditary
                We’re in a recession                            I just look at food and get fat
                He/She drives me crazy                     Women lose shape after having a baby
                You’re so lucky - I’m not                   I can’t do anything about it
                I’d never be able to do that               I can’t stand the pressure

And so on it goes, the list is endless, if you listen, with a lot of people you hear them every day.

I am often surprised at spiritually aware people making failure directed affirmations out loud constantly.

Not only do they work extremely well for them, they then say “See I told you so”, when in fact they have received exactly what they requested.

By giving the power of speech to any affirmation they do manifest, and in fact, grow stronger each time they are said. Now, what would be far more productive, is to turn these affirmations around to success directed affirmations and give them power to manifest what we really desire. Instead of saying “I’m exhausted”, which you most likely will be now, say  “I’ll feel really refreshed after I sit down and take a break”.

Remember, the body responds to your commands. Make the subconscious conscious.  Or, rather, bring your most deeply held beliefs about yourself and life to the light, where you are able to transmute them to new beliefs. What you may do is write down two columns, one with your affirmation, the other with all the negative held beliefs against it, write down everything that comes up in your beliefs against what it is you desire.
For example: If you were worried about owning your own home.

                                Affirmation                                         What comes Up
     I am successfully managing my own home              I can’t do it
     I am successfully managing my own home              It’s too much commitment
     I am successfully managing my own home              I’ll never have enough money
     I am successfully managing my own home              No one in my family owns their home

From doing this you shall gain knowledge of the core beliefs that are against you, but more importantly, if you continue writing down your new affirmation in the other column each time, eventually  the negative beliefs will exhaust themselves and be replaced by positive thoughts that emulate from the higher self.

                                Affirmation                                         What comes Up
     I am successfully managing my own home              I have an excellent saving record
     I am successfully managing my own home              I know other’s who own their home
     I am successfully managing my own home              If they can do it, so can I
     I am successfully managing my own home              With the divine plan, all is possible
     I am successfully managing my own home              I know I can succeed

Now, we are being more productive, by replacing this person’s negative beliefs with positive ones, it will draw them closer to the goal they desire. However, as old habits die hard, this process may need to be repeated a few times, to enable the new beliefs to be established, the amount of times will depend on how much you want the goal, how firmly your old beliefs are entrenched and how often you use your affirmation. Even after all this, sometimes your old beliefs may refuse to budge, when this occurs, ask: Where did I come to get these negative beliefs (most of them are gained in childhood), Is there truth in them, do I wish to keep them ?

Once you realise they are destructive and that you have a choice in the matter, you may keep that which you want to and release that you no longer need, or is no longer appropriate to your new growth patterns. If you still stay firmly entrenched with your old beliefs, you may choose to see a therapist about them, Kinesiology is particularly effective here, or you may choose to talk them out with a friend or counsellor, anyone who may assist as a guide to help you through this process of change, release and new growth.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Using affirmations to heal issues that come up in your life is just as simple and enjoyable as the above process. The following method is quite effective.

Pick an area of your life that needs healing. The topic of your affirmation can involve a relationship, your health, peace of mind, career, finances, etc.
For example, lets choose relationships.
You may decide that you are carrying around some anger that it is now time to release. Decide what you want to happen in that aspect of your life.

Ask yourself “What would it feel like if I had exactly what I wanted in this situation right now ?”
In this example you would most likely want to let go of the old anger and hurt and experience forgiveness and peace.
Using the first person, formulate a statement that exactly expresses your desired outcome. As you choose the words, keep in mind the following: (a) Write your affirmation in the present tense, as if what you desire is happening right now, as an example, you would say  I am peaceful instead of I will feel peaceful.   (b) say it positively. When you say I am not angry, the subconscious mind screens out the “not” and hears “angry” To prevent the situation from recurring, rephrase your affirmation to say exactly what you do want.

Repeat your affirmation every day. As many times as you can remember to, say it outloud, to yourself, or just write it down. Repetition is the way of learning, also by giving voice to your affirmation you give it power - power to create and manifest that which you desire.

Think of the affirmation, made famous by song, every day in every way I’m getting better and better, imagine filling your subconscious mind with these healing words, over and over again. In time your emotional and mental outlook would surely benefit greatly.
By repeating your affirmation you are impressing it upon your subconscious mind, this in turn replaces the old pattern of thinking or beliefs. The more you use your affirmation, the more quickly, and the more powerfully it will work. Soon these words shall become a living presence in your world. After a time you shall even become these words. When you repeat the affirmation I am love, you shall become love, I am serene, you shall become serene.
Allow the final outcome to be given to a higher power. So many times I hear people express their desire for something, only to realise later that to actually receive it would have been a disaster. So often, we think we really want something, however the universe has something else in mind for us - something planned which is for our higher good.

From using manifestations for some time now, to the point where they occur for me with great speed, I have learnt the hard way to think very carefully about exactly what it is I desire and how I wish to receive it.

For a rather way out example, someone may wish for $10 000, however they may not wish to have a car accident, lose a leg and receive that in compensation funds. For this reason I now add to my affirmations: What I request or something better now manifests for me in a satisfying way for the highest good of all concerned.  By doing this I align my own will with that of the universe and then I trust, I trust that I have done the groundwork and everything I can on my part, then I give it back to the universe to do their part. This way we are aligned to the same direction.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


“What you say or ask for is what you get”. This simple statement shows us one of the most important tools of spiritualism. Yet so many people underestimate, or are unable to use, their powers of manifestation  -   through affirmations.
Lets look at how you can use your own affirmations to shape your own inner and outer reality. An affirmation is a positive thought or idea that you consciously focus on, in order to produce that which you desire. An affirmation is such a simple, yet powerful technique that can heal and transform your most deeply held beliefs.

We need firstly to look at the principles on which affirmations are based.
1. What occurs in your outer world is a direct reflection of your prominent thoughts and beliefs. 2. If you wish to change your reality, change your thoughts.
3. Your thoughts become manifest through the written and spoken word.

A few years ago I decided to start talking about my own experiences and teaching. I felt extremely nervous at the idea and constantly berated myself afterwards saying to myself “I should have done this or that”, or, “I could have done that better”, also I was always concerned what others thought of me, thus making myself even more nervous the next time I had to speak. In order to allay these fears I found an affirmation that worked for me, it was quite simple, and said “I love and approve of myself, exactly as I am”.

I would repeat this to myself hundreds of times a day, particularly when I was feeling nervous.

When I first started I would even hear myself add on, “except for.....” and I would have to stop myself and say “No, EXACTLY as I am”. Upon repeating this to myself, silently and out loud, I found I had more calmness, greater self acceptance and confidence and a decrease in my fear. The effect was very subtle, yet to me also very noticeable. Whenever I felt uneasy about something I would repeat this affirmation, and it would instantly calm my fears, leaving me feeling more serene.
More than just my fears though, I was teaching a new program to my subconscious mind, one that said I could succeed and was good enough. This new belief led to corresponding behaviour which created the outcome which I wanted  -  acceptance, confidence and serenity in teaching.
This is the first level of how affirmations work, they make your life a self fulfilling prophesy.

In the next chapter I will share with you how to create your very own healing affirmations.

Your affirmation for today:

“I love and approve of myself, exactly as I am”.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm not sure I trust in the universe today! or do I?

It's Wednesday, the dealer didn't call back re the camper yesterday, hence we can conclude that the owner wouldn't budge on the price. Daryll shares that he felt the price was OK and perhaps we should take it anyway.
We briefly ponder this before we realise again we are not fully trusting the universe and our abilities to create.

Wow - it is so easy to slip back into that 'fear factor' regularly. The feeling of "I want it and I need to push to make it happen". Without even realising it, we strive to complete things in 'our time', gradually we slip out of sync just ever so slightly. It is a constant mindfulness to be aware of the pervading energies and walk hand in hand with them.
The more you achieve this, the more the universe walks with you, however as you become more in sync, it seems the universe is VERY  quick to provide a (sometimes unpleasant) reminder that you are out of sync when you slip.

The other van we had seen advertised was still available, we had made an appointment to view it on Saturday at 10am and it was a year newer and $1000 less than the previous one.
We rested content in the promise of this and let it slide.

Deciding to check out our options, we jumped online looked up a few others and made a call to a dealer. He advised us that there was no way we could achieve a model such as this for the price we were wanting to pay and that if we ever did, snap it up as they will disappear sight unseen. He continued on that if we ever did manage to get one for this price (insert snide chuckle) that he would buy it off us for $1000 more in 5-10 years time if we changed our mind.

That was enough to un-nerve us, we felt a little shaky and Daryll mentioned that perhaps we should call up and go visit earlier - maybe tonight!
"no, we'll wait, if it's ours it will be kept for us" we decide.

Right on cue the phone rings, its the owners of the camper saying they are sorry they have double booked and another person is coming out to view it at 10am Saturday, could we please come a little later that day.
We agree, it is no problem to do so, hop off the phone and over a cup of tea share our feelings.

Something just doesn't feel right with this, we have (in our minds) laid claim on this camper and we don't want anyone looking at it.
Again, those feelings of insecurity rise, "call them back, say we'll come earlier, even though it doesn't fit with our plans, say we'll come today, actually say we'll come RIGHT NOW!"

Wow - how easy it is to NOT trust!
I disappear to commune with universal energies and re-centre myself.
After a brief meditation, my world is back to normal again.
I realise it is only a camper and not required urgently anyway, if it's gone it's gone.
However, I do mention to the universe that if it fits appropriately we would like it and "would you mind putting an energy hold on it for us if it is right to do so".

A moment after this meditation, the owners call back to advise us that the other people just had something mysteriously pop up and could no longer make the appointment so 10am would be fine.
(yes, a small smile curls the side of my mouth and a very quiet whisper "thank you")

The night before we are due to go a couple of bills pop in, taking the total available down by $1200.00 less than the original amount we had available (ah well, this one is asking $500 less and says negotiable - let's see what happens - we're pretty sure they won't come down by $700, but we'll see what magic weaves).

Saturday morning arrives and the day is magnificent, beautiful spring type day, kids are fed and happy Grandpa wants to come for the drive.
Earlier in the day we had been at skating lessons and got chatting with a mum there, who had a few concerns going on in her life - we chat and she looks at me and says "I feel like you were sent to me today"
Yes, I know, I think to myself, always happy to be guided to the right people - as they say, when you work with these energies it's like breathing. One breath in for others, one breath out for yourself, an endless flow of energies to absorb and work with. I am delighted to have assisted someone and look forward to how the universe will support me today.

We embark on our journey, the family is lovely, the camper is fine - and YES - it has blue curtains and the allocated coloured annexe, everything is exactly as I was shown in my mind.
We get to the $'ss negotiable price, the owners explain that they are incredibly disappointed as another viewer looked at it this week, wound it up too quickly and put 2 tiny tears in the flywires. I'm not sure if it was a result of this or the price they had decided earlier, however, the asking price - $750 lower than what they had advertised.
Wonderful, we think, exactly what we have plus $50 spare.
They continue to ask if we have a little toilet tent - they used it a lot - apparently you can get a porta potty for not much and if camping it makes life so much easier - really! we hadn't thought about that. The husband looks to the wife and asks "we could throw that in with the deal couldn't we" She nods, toilet tent added in too!

Done deal!

They agree to deliver it to us the following week and come for morning tea with us, as we hand them our business card, they mention "Oh, you do natural therapies, great, we have a few questions"
I think "absolutely, of course you do, let's do tea soon, we'd love to chat".

Too easy, all solved, camper van - tick!

As we are leaving, the couple tell us how they have just put in a pool - interesting - we have been thinking of that too - they continue "oh, the man that did it was wonderful, actually he's from Warrandyte! We'll get you all his details"
OK, one door concludes, another opens - off we go again!

Stopping at a lovely cafe, we decide to have lunch as we have several errands to run and won't be home until late tonight.
We all decide exactly what we want - the bill ............... $49.95! (re the $50 spare)
Too funny, the universe even provided lunch for us as part of the deal! THANK YOU!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just another whisper on the wind.....

My daughter awoke early this morning and crept into bed with me, before you knew it she was chattering away as only 7 year olds can.
She was very excited about her dancing classes the night before and was desperately asking my for pointe ballet shoes (even though she's no where near ready for them - I'm thinking they will just be wall decorations for a while).
Politely declining her requests, we set about for the day.
As we raced out to the car, I looked at a lovely patch of grass in the garden (lovely from all the rain we have FINALLY had here) and mentioned to Gabe - "that area needs a glass table and some chairs".
Off we went for for day.

Later in the afternoon we were heading off for a swim meet with friends, driving up the road to the swimming pool, we realised 'hard garbage' was happening, we crept past all the piles in the car, keeping an eye out for 'treasures' (I just cannot stand the thought of more landfill when people may use these things somewhere)

Driving past the last house there is a set of 4 metal outdoor chairs out, we pullover and hop out to take a look, whilst we are looking a couple arrive back, I ask if this is theirs and if we may have them, they reply "Oh, sure, they're in great nick, we'd be really happy for someone to use them, you don't want the matching glass table by any chance do you?"

It turns out the table is still in their back yard as they didn't want to pop it out in case of breakages, we exchange names and numbers (turns out they are interested in gems and natural therapies so we organise for a cup of tea and a get together later in the week).
As I am leaving I knock a box over and out tumbles a pair of shiny pink leather ballet shoes and a pair of satin pointe shoes in pretty near perfect condition.

"sure, take those too" they wave.

Wow - barely even a whisper of what we wanted and 4 hours later my back yard looks lovely and I have one very happy little girl with newly acquired decorations in her room.

Happy manifesting...........

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Think about it and it will come...........

Over the past few weeks we have been discussing changing your thoughts to abundance and success rather than need and want.
It's so fascinating how the universe is always willing to provide everything you want as soon as you ask for it.

A couple of weeks ago, Daryll said to me, all this writing you are doing, I think I would like to do some writing too.
The next day he walks in a bit chuffed and proudly announces - "guess what, I wrote 2 scripts last night, presented them to the local theatre group tonight and they accepted both, I am now an official script writer" Too funny.

His first acts will be staged in March (8 weeks away)
So today I got to thinking about what other possibilities are available for us, just waiting for us to realise we want them.
Once we realise we want something, we can voice it and then (depending on how in tune you are with the universe) the wheels are set in motion immediately for it to happen (the same is true for negative thoughts, good reason to watch not only what you say but also what you think).

I mentioned yesterday that I had some exciting manifestation news to share with you.

It all went back to the beginning of last year when the spiritual development circle were working on manifestations and vision boards with me. We all talked about what we had, what we did not have and what we wanted to achieve.
The only thing I could think of that I wanted and did not have was a camper van.  
(My childhood was spent travelling around Australia rock hunting in a bus)

So we all decided that is what I would focus on.
I visualised that new shiny winnebago every day. I saw myself in it, proudly driving around, pulling up on the side of the road and having a cup of tea. I imagined it, I dreamed it, I felt it  and ................ nothing!
Not a whiff of it!

Most peculiar I thought as my manifestations are usually so rapid. That night as I went to bed I prayed and said to myself "I now create the winnebago in my life tomorrow".

Awaking the next day, my dad popped in (not having shared any of this with him) over a cup of tea he asks "hey are you still wanting a winnebago?"

"Sure" I reply. He goes on to tell me he has a mate that has one he no longer wants and asked dad to see if I would like it, FREE no strings attached, I just need to drive up to Bendigo and collect it.

"well done" I silently think to the universe. However I am puzzled as to why it took a while to manifest and why I needed to get stern with the universe for it to happen.
Over the years I have learnt that when the timing it right, you ask, boom, it is there. But sometimes the timing is not right or you have missed a puzzle piece in what you are asking for or perhaps it is not the most perfect thing for you, so the universe holds back.
Naturally if you get demanding the universe will say "OK- if you REALLY want it, even if it's not that good for you - here you are".

After my dad leaves, I find I am feeling a little shaky (also a sure sign for me that something is out of sync with the universal energies) I decide to sit down outside and really think this through.
I visualise the winnebago driving into my driveway, I picture where I will store it - guess what - no where fits!
I picture paying the high stamp duty and registration - ouch!
I picture leaving it outside in the weather getting damaged - not good!
I feel how it feels to own it. A wave washes over me as I realise I am feeling encumbered. Rather than setting me free, the energy is heavy and oppressive, almost like, "well now you have this, you must get value from it and go away whether you want to or not"

I realise I don't really want the winnebago at all - wow! 8 months of manifesting energy on something I didn't really want, the earth feels like it is moving, how could I have missed something so relevant.
No wonder it didn't happen easily.

I call my dad and say "thanks but no thanks" (& yes, it has now found another home, don't all write in asking if you can have it for free).
I feel lighter, happier and almost like I have been set free.
Wow - what a revelation, I had bound myself by an inappropriate desire. I am thrilled about the realisation and the freedom it brings.

So for a couple of months I do nothing, set free by NOT owning a camper.
However, over the summer season a few times we wanted to go away, well we think "we can afford anything we want, lets stay at a resort near the beach for a week" and we do, and it's lovely. Very comfortable, the kids love the indoor spa and it's all great, but there's something not satisfied within me.

We take a drive to the local caravan park to visit my cousin and we see all the kids spending time together on the beach, playing and getting to know each other, some joining in activities organised by the caravan park. The baker toots on his rounds and it feels a lot like 'home'.

We discuss how for adults just the luxury is really nice, but the summer "kids get together" is something altogether special for them and yes, the thoughts drift back to the camper..........
We briefly entertain the thought of a tent - nah! not our style, we go back to the winnebago idea - nah! don't want that any more, a bus - hmmmm, maybe, but not really, so what is in between?

Yesterday, we head off for the annual "Not Back to School Party" at a water theme park for the kids.
As we head off we realise we are almost back down to the beach, the road takes us to an area we don't usually go and we just happen to drive past a pop up camper trailer showroom, immediately Daryll and I raise our eyebrows and look at each other - aha! perhaps just the ticket we think.

A couple of days earlier, the kids and I were perusing an online shopping store and came across these trailers, they had both become excited and chosen the style they wanted, Emma sharing - "the one with the BLUE curtains mummy", Gabe nodded his agreement and added "with the blue striped tent that attaches to it".

We spend the day at the park, completely forgetting about the camper until the drive home when we come across the same showroom 20 minutes before they close - "why not" we think. In we go!

A brief chat with the owner and some stats checking, guess what, whilst Darylls car won't do it, my car certainly has no problems to pull one of these with a few small modifications.
The model the children chose is the largest trailer that my car can carry, all others are too heavy, hmmmm.

The salesman says they usually only have new models but he takes our number and says he will call us, on the way out, Daryll intuitively is drawn to look at a row of campers right down the back of the yard, calling out to me he motions to come down.
Forgotten by the staff is a 2nd hand model of the exact one we had chosen, $6000 cheaper than new WITH all the attachments, ropes, annex, etc AND the upholstery is blue and so is the attached tent.
It's ours we think, we pretty much decide on the spot to buy it.
Interestingly the day prior I had taken the exact amount of money out of the bank on a whim, not really sure why.

We decide to call back in the morning once we have double checked the cars. All good, however an online search reveals that the asking price is actually a little too high for the market value.
Daryll ponders this and says "but it 'feels' like its our Les", we realise that whilst it may well be, perhaps it is the style and model that is ours, rather than the actual item.

Early next morning the dealer is on the phone asking if we have come to a conclusion, we share with him that although the price is acceptable to us, it seems high compared to market value, he agrees and says "giver me an hour I'll get on to the owner and negotiate it for you"

Again - all ours we are thinking (hence why I didn't share this with you yesterday), alas, he calls back frustrated saying the owner won't budge a cent, he also advises us that he has told them "if that's the way they feel then they won't sell it for them and they can come and collect it from the yard and sell it themselves by tomorrow" - oops!

He apologises profusely and says he will let us know if anything else pops up, not done with the story here just yet, he says, "I will have a last chat with him before he leaves tomorrow and ask again and let you know".

Well - we now know what we are looking for and the average price: we look on eBay, gumtree and the trading post and find heaps of them!
one in particular we like so we call up and have a lovely chat, the model is newer, the annex was bought last year, the price - $1000 cheaper, the location - not far from here and guess what? Daryll and my dad are going to a gathering on Saturday next door to her house!!!!

So now we have a couple of options open.
Isn't it wonderful when the universe opens up so many doors and choices.
I am left pondering the difficulties I faced manifesting the winnebago and the ease in which this option fell into place with so many choices, almost as if the universe says "good choice, glad you got there in the end, now which one would you like to choose?"

Oh, the other fun part is the car modifications, we called our car repairer (who is a personal friend) to ask if he can fit the modifications and the costs involved - "sure, no problems Lesley, oh actually - that part you need, we don't need to buy it, your dad gave me one of those years ago and I've never had use for it, it will fit your car perfectly - no charge, you can have it back, pop on over and I'll fit it in for you whenever you like"

Just got to love the abundance that the universe shines with when you hear the correct whisper on the wind!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Secret news........

Big news on the abundance blog, but I am hush hush on it for a day or so to contain the chi until it eventuates, will let you know soon............. stay posted!

Affirmation for the day:
My life is filled with riches and abundance - I notice the little things that make every day special now.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I am touched by your messages

Since I started writing this blog, I am delighted by the number of messages I have received from folks telling me the changes that have taken place for them in day to day lives - some totally fascinating and unexpected.

This week has been really busy for us with Chinese New Year, the beginning of classes and events for the year, school for little ones and home school for the eldest, however, through it all there has been an untold richness.
We are in a delightful position financially of not really wanting for anything and I realised just what has happened.

Since I began writing this blog, many people log in to read it daily and so every 2nd or so day I need to write another section, think about it for a moment, I am focused on writing and talking about abundance every 2nd day of my life - what do you think has happened by all this focusing on abundance?

That's right - in it flows!

Opportunities abound, new friendships form and things manifest quickly.
we have just been presented with the opportunity to do live broadcasts of classes via internet connections so hopefully we can live stream some of these great events, in order to reach those who cannot attend events in Warrandyte.

What this week has shown me - more than ever, that the more you focus on your goals the more easily they are achieved.
Whether you believe them or not, talk about your abundance, share your skills with others, act as if you were already abundant right now - see what happens!

If you are sensitive to energies - you may have felt a shift this year, a change as the Chinese New Year heralds in these terrific energies making way for a fresh start.
Embrace these energies to complete projects and get you off to a happy New Year.
If there are a heap of little odd jobs hanging over your shoulders, complete them, tidy them all up and get on with it so you can follow along here and truly embrace your abundance THIS year!

I look forward to sharing it with you..........

Your daily affirmation:

I release the past with ease and grace, I release all people, situations and events that no longer serve me to my highest good. I surround myself with love, kindness and gentleness. All is well in my world.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let go of what doesn't serve you..........

We all know it, we've all hung on to something that is old, worn out, better keep it in case I get: fat / pregnant / skinny / cold in the future
Perhaps it's the worn out jumper that always makes you look older but you MUST keep it because it cost $299.00
It never looks good on you, never has, isn't that comfortable, but it cost $299.00!
So it stays

Have a think about all the things you cling to, effectively you are buying into your own sense of lack, you MAY need it, you MAY not have money again.
What would happen if you let go.

What if someone dropped 32 million dollars into your bank account tomorrow to spend as you like, would you keep that old jumper?
I'm tipping it would be at the op shop by lunchtime.

So why not imagine you have that type of abundance.

It's an interesting exercise, every time you find yourself wondering: is it the right business move for me, is it the right school for the kids, which hotel / restaurant should we go to, should I keep this jumper, imagine that sort of money just sitting in your bank account waiting for you.
As it sits there it is gaining 10% interest every year, that's another $3.2 million dollars a year just in interest (I picked 10% as it was easy to calculate, maybe you'd get 12.5% or maybe just 8%, but just to give an idea.
So here you are accruing $3.2 million dollars a year just in interest - what on earth are you going to do with that and that accrues every year and if you don't spend it you have more next year.
Forget the capital, we're just talking interest here.
Sure you'll give some to charity, help out some others, pay taxes, who knows at the end of the year you may only be left with $2 million in interest - don't worry - you have the capital and you can manifest more if you want.

Now, go back to those choices above, money is absolutely no concern what so ever for you, which career choices would you take, which school would you send the kids to, which hotel / restaurant would you visit?
Are your choices the same?
If not, then you are not truly aligned with your divine connection to the abundance of the universe.

You see, we don't always go for the biggest, the best, the most expensive just because of money. I have chosen to stay in a tent rather than the Sheraton sometimes, because that is the experience our family wants. I often prefer to stay in little guest houses in villages rather than hotels - because that's the experience I want.

So when I visualise the endless bank account, my choices don't change - I still choose the tent, great 0- you are connected to what your soul really wants.
If however your choices change once money comes into the picture, then you may need to look at the obstacles that are blocking you walking in harmony with your true desires and perhaps do it anyway.

If doing the task is going to place further restraints on you down the track, then you must take baby steps and perhaps just have the muffin AND the coffee today.

This visualisation is particularly helpful when you have a choice to make and you don't know what to do, by imagining the endless bank account, you kn ow where your heart truly wants to be and you may acknowledge that and jump on it and do it - you'll be amazed how often the universes says "OK, sure, we'll support your choices" or at the least you will gain clarity on the best choices for you and your family.

A little while back we were dreaming of putting our eldest in a private school at $28,000.00 per year, we wanted it but we just 'couldn't afford it' so we always had the wishing, then one night we sat down and talked it out, we realised we really could afford it if that's what we truly wanted to do, we could make some changes and slide that right in.
We then imagined the endless bank account and where he would be and you know - the most amazing thing, when all money constaints were removed...............
We imagined the school was completely free to send him to, guess what....................

We saw him happily home schooling!

It wasn't what we were expecting, but it felt completely right, he and our family felt settled and we realised for him - for this particular child, school wasn't the best fit - our youngest is now at that school and our eldest is blossoming with his home schooling.

What happened is that by allowing ourselves to have a choice in our minds, a right to rule our own destiny, we made the best possible choices for us as a family and you know what - they were they choices we had already made anyway.
The only difference was that now - we were happy with them!

He asked me today if he may buy an online physics program for his I Pod at $2.49, bless his heart, he came to my office asking me like it was a $10,000 program, he presented the pros and cons, leaning heavily on the 'it's educational and part of my home schooling" pro.

In the past, I have said no to all these things, however now that the youngest is at private school, I know how much we are paying for her to be there and in my mind have allocated a roughly equal amount to his home schooling. I can't in a pink fit, imagine spending that sort of money on home schooling, but energetically in my mind - it's there!
Why not
Did he get the $2.49 physics program?
Absolutely............. and he's absolutely thrilled about it!

An affirmation for today:

I now release the past, I release worn out things in my life, I release worn out relationships, worn out clothes, worn out states of mind. I embrace a fresh wave of energy that sweeps over me bringing abundance, freshness & bliss. I am in perfect working order as is everything in my life. I have enough money for everything that is important to me.