Monday, May 2, 2011

Thank heavens for manifestations / guidance.

I know I had basically wrapped this blog thus far, however this week I was writing an email to my spiritual development circle which I really wanted to share with you in regards to manifesting success and safety around you.

We were discussing the energies that strengthen the more we devote ourselves to our own development

It's interesting how the more work we do in such classes, the more life seems to have synchronicity, sometimes we don't see it at the time, but over time, things just seem to slot into place.

As you may recall, we were recently renovating, during this time, one of the tradesmen noticed we didn't have flip switches on the house and strongly suggested they should be installed. OK, in they go....

This week I purchased a 2nd hand electrical product and didn't notice it had a break on one side.
When I turned it on, I was severely electrocuted. It flipped off the entire house, office and buildings, just after throwing me across the room, tearing my back muscles, exiting & burning my arm pit. My heart briefly stopped, but I guess God still has work for me to do and when I hit the floor the jolt kicked my heartbeat back in again.
All this in a microsecond of power, I shudder to think what would have happened had those flips not been installed. I'm feeling much better, still a little fragile, getting better each day now, however had that guide not been sent to us to have them installed - goodness me!

I am reminded of another instance where we manifested the assistance of a guide / created an energy of safety around us:
A few years ago we were pulled over by the police with my son in the front seat of my car, they explained he was too little to be in the front the way the seat belt was fitted.
The policeman adjusted it for me saying, if I had an accident previously my son would have been killed, now he would most likely get a sore back and a cut neck.

A few weeks later, a car turned over oncoming traffic straight into us and over our car - my son was in the front seat - guess what ..... sore back, cut neck, all good!

We were feeling very humbled and blessed to have such guidance in our lives.

The more work you do with your spiritual development, your meditation and your Qi Gong (we teach classes in all of these topics), the more these things become less 'co-incidences" and more guided by spirit.
Every day we have someone looking out for us and something to be grateful for.

We are grateful and delighted to be able to share some of your unfolding and assist you to guide you along your spiritual path.
We look forward to sharing with you soon.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with most of the issues you said and i am waiting for the new posts. Thanks.
