Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm drowning under all this abundance!

So, it's January........... the business is closed, not yet the commencement of school term, we're on holidays - right?
Huh! so perhaps we aren't seeing clinic clients or classes, but we are far from sitting on the beach sipping pina coladas.
It's the only time of the year when no one is here and we can clean out the Renascent Centre.
I decided to do a big spring clean this time and rather than just clean and tidy Daryll and I sat down and had a discussion on what is working in our business for us, what is not, why is it not and what would you like to see to have that fixed.
eg - I do not like the staff working behind my back when I am on the computer, solution, I want them in another room or in front of me.
I do not like only being able to use the toilet for a 3 minute gap in between clinic clients every 45 minutes, solution, the clinic room needs to be moved to a location where we may use the kitchen / toilet / showroom without disturbing clients.

It all sounds rather simple really, however I got to thinking that in achieving our goals, often we forget that we must understand what works, what doesn't work and what we would like to see as the solution in order to move forward and manifest success.

The talk became a little excited as we planned out what we wanted and how we could achieve it, the next thing, the wheels were in motion, we were in the office at 2am, drawing pictures, planning and plotting out things.
Yes, at this stage all things are possible, all things are exciting and do able.

Yes, that sounds simple, we'll swap our offices, move the clinic into Daryll's office and revamp the entire showroom - piece of cake!

The next day we are up bright and early (well, OK- we're night owls by nature, but hey bright and early for night owls)
The event begins, we need to empty everything out of Daryll's office into the showroom, then we'll move everything from my office into his and the showroom back into Daryll's office.
Sure, no problems, it's all do-able! Doesn't sound too hard!

How is it possible that one man's office can entirely fill the complete showroom?
15 hours later, we blind folded Daryll, brought him in and said "when you open your eyes, this is what was in your 1 small office"
(prior to this I had mentioned to him not to be expect being overjoyed and excited it was more likely to require a bex and a little lay down)
He opened his eyes and very slowly surveyed the room, finally, he murmured, "yes, that is a lot, isn't it, guess I have some sorting out to do" (I'll upload some pictures later to this blog).
3 X 22 hour days, we are still wading through it.
I spent 14 hours yesterday scrubbing walls in 1 office, I went through 24 magic erasers (goodness they are fantastic, but how do they simply dematerialise when you use them & BTW don't blog in what's in them, I really don't think I want to know), my knuckles are bruised, I can't shut my hands properly, but the walls are clean.
A full day with a staff member today and 1 section of my office (with packaging stock is in perfect order).

No sooner had this been placed in order, than customers orders started flying in from eBay and our online store. I asked her to drop a few in the post office on her way home (as there was only around 12 orders to go), phew, in they came, the more we made space, the more things flew out the door.
By the end of the day, her poor little car was loaded to the roof with boxes, envelopes and parcels.

I realised that the "stuff" we had been hanging on to was weighing us down and preventing us from releasing and really embracing freedom.
It was easy to justify that it wasn't personal, it was business and stock (and a great deal of it was) however, there was a lot of past items and personal things in there too that had been just sitting there for 10 years.

Now, I am not saying have a big clean up and throw everything out, I have a statue on the shelf that has been there for 20 years, but I really like it, every time I look at it, I like it, it uplifts me and makes me happy. I clean it weekly, because I really like it and want to look at it.

But what about the ornament that has been there for years, that is gathering dust, it is filthy, now you don't want to look at it as it looks like hard work, or dusting to be done, it no longer uplifts your chi (energy) if anything, it weighs you down.
It doesn't have to, you have a choice:
1. Clean it and love it again
2. Move it on

Looking at the box of leads, electrical wires and old remotes of Daryll's, I was pretty sure they weren't doing too much uplifting.
He looks at me and says "but they all came with devices that already had leads from the one I updated them with". As if that sounded like it was a perfectly justifiable reason.
"Uh, huh" I reply, "and your reason for now keeping spare leads that you do not need is ...................?"

He agrees, "yep, guess I don't need them anymore do I" - uh - nope!
What about the box of 2908 floppy disc drives?
Anything required has been converted to CD's now and with $1.19 applications available for the Ipad with kids games in beautiful graphics, do you REALLY need the Atari 'blip, blip' games. Hmmmm, perhaps not!

Now, we know that some of these will one day be collectors items and may be valuable, but guess what? We aren't collectors, nor resellers of video games and really don't want to be. We trust in our abundance, we have all we need taken care of, let's either toss them out, or pop them in an op shop for someone else to discover.
Great idea.

So where are we at with this culling right now?
I am sitting in my new office (Daryll's old one), hmmm much bigger than usual, a large window too, I can see down the valley as the day is fading, there's a large, sleepy tawny frogmouth owl nesting in the tree above.
I have cleared a TINY gap on the desk to type this up.

Daryll has given up!
He's sorted his piles of stuff out to : keep / bin / op shop / kids / students may like / eBay (wow - now I'm a little daunted, the eBay piles are huge - ah well, some great books coming up, keep your eyes out for these soon)
Daryll's left the building!!!!!
That's it, he's picked up his bat and ball and gone home, with a flourish of "Ummm, I'll feed the kids, clean up the house, get dinner organised, do the washing, take care of the pets, etc, etc, would you just take care of what's left lovey"

Phew- realistically, can it be done, yes, I think it will take myself and 2 staff members another 5-6 days (& I'm planning on being here 'til midnight every day), but yes, it can!

So what's on tomorrow - more cleaning for me - Daryll has a completely fully booked clinic day right through to 9pm, where I hear you asking, well, some times these things call for thinking outside the box. We'll set up a clinic in the lounge, some kids activities in amongst the showroom (I'll push some things to one side to make a path, who knows I may never see the kids again or at least not until they are desparately hungry).
I'll welcome clients with a brief explanation and walk them through the aforementioned path to the house. Where there's a will there's a way.

A lot of work I know, so you may be asking Why bother?
Although it is still a huge mess, the chi is clean, ideas are flowing already, this is the first time I have touched this blog in weeks, there's a freshness, a newness, a wanting to get things done again chi - yay!
I love it, so, join me.......... have a spring clean, let others benefit from things you no longer need, have a clean up, what's stopping you?
You may discover a whole new fresh lease on life and if you list on online stores, maybe even a flourish of finances to come rushing in too.

I'm going to be here for the next few days, join me, have a tidy up of your own and blog in here how it feels.
Happy freshness, I can't wait to hear what changes for you.

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