Saturday, January 29, 2011

Too much abundance can prevent you from achieving your goals.

Interesting title huh!
Have a think about it before you read on any further.
What does this pull up for you, what does it make you think of, do you think "what????" or do other ideas pop into your mind.
Often when we are working with unfolding our manifestation powers and abilities we need to read things to guide us on the right path however one persons truth may not be your truth and therefore what works for one may not necessarily work for another.
Instead of simply rushing in thinking "ooh, that sounds interesting, I must read on" the task is to pause and reflect on what it could mean to you BEFORE reading on (don't worry, it's already written and not going anywhere so you will have time to come back and reflect upon it and read the writers words soon).

In contemplating what words mean to us and what they bring up within ourselves, we often achieve the deepest awakenings and insights into ourselves.

Go ahead.............. stop now............... ponder............. "Too much abundance can prevent you from achieving your goals"

I'd like to share my insights on this and see if they match yours or if it awakens something quite different for you.

Having promised the kids we'd take them out for a fun packed day today we had worked late into the previous evening to complete work and get the 1st newsletter of the year out to our clients advising them that classes and celebrations recommence this week.
As part of the 'clean up' from the centre, you may recall I had brought up around 400 books to the house and (neatly) stacked them behind my chair and desk at the house - awaiting listing on eBay.
Daryll walked in and looked at me asking "do you want me to remove some of those, it seems like you are surrounded and hemmed in?"
I assured him, there was room and I was fine.
Completed (at 4am!) the newsletter, emailed it out, gave up on the date sheet and the website (perhaps a weekend or next week job)
Posted a blog on the home schooling network asking for assistance and insights into some choice we are currently making re Gabe.
Checked in via email  with ongoing circle class students and answered to 240 emails that pop in daily.
Toddled off to bed only to be awoken a couple of hours later by VERY excited children ready for their special day.

Off we set and the day is beautiful, we are near the beach, the sun is shining, we met some new friends in a queue and had lunch with them and spent the rest of the day sharing and connecting with them whilst the kids all played together, said our farewells as new terrific friends and set off for a walk along the beach.
So far, all sounding pretty idyllic......................

All day I had had a nagging feeling of being overwhelmed, having too many decisions to make, too much to achieve in a short period of time, too many people wanting something and relying on me to give it.
Finally in the early evening I needed to share this with Daryll. I have had this experience in the past where the big picture takes over and by breaking it down into little segments it somehow becomes manageable again, (which is what I was hoping he would assist me to do).
We had a discussion about it, but the feeling didn't lift and once we returned home, instead of walking in and seeing the 90% clean home, I walked in and saw the 10% messy home.
My desk was surrounded by books, there were a few plates in the kitchen and the new puppy promptly ran in so excited to see us that she turned into a canine fountain all over her, us and the carpet - great!

My first reaction was to sit down and have a little cry, but instead I looked around and thought what is causing this. can you guess what it was?
It was the books surrounding the desk.
We picked them up and dumped 3 piles in the laundry (just a little out of sight for now) and left 3 more manageable piles around the desk.

Suddenly, my world was fine again, I felt inspired, energised and ready to move on.
The carpet was promptly cleaned, laundry done, kitchen cleaned up (took 4 minutes!), Emma read me her bedtime stories whilst I did the laundry and here I am cup of tea in hand, completely the emails and writing the blog.
Home school decisions still to be made, however they are boxed & (thanks to around 14 replies on my blog with suggestions) I have pathways to investigate and choices available.

It is amazing how we gather things to us thinking they are improving our abundance, when in fact they are doing quite the opposite and by cluttering our lives, we are sapping our own enthusiasm and blocking ourselves from reaching for the stars.

Perhaps from this article, you may be able to have an 'aha' moment as to what may be causing you to feel overwhelmed and make some positive steps o improve it.
Even if your house is a huge mess, don't worry about it all at once, just focus on the one main area, sit in each room and feel into it and then sort that area out, you never know, it may just allow the space / inspiration to do the rest.

1 comment:

  1. One of my most favourite things about clearing clutter is that with less clutter there is less to clean ! My partner was so inspired on the weekend he decided to have a free stuff garage sale. It was fantastic ! As he said " everything was not selling like hotcakes !"
