Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All is well in my world

It's a funny thing when something happens in life that rocks your world.
Doesn't matter if it's a relationship break up, computer crash or an injury.
A shock resonance is set up, this can often be combated with Renascent Emergency  essence, some kinesiology emotional stress release &/or a good healing session, however, the shock is generally there.

An energy goes out into the ethers and if you are unaware of it, before you know it, it is disrupting further relationships, creating more injuries and causing ill feelings.

If in the moment of stress, you are really able to let go and trust that everything in your world is divinely planned and this is just a down to the ups in the hills of your life. You can generally get over this energy ripple.

I am a little disappointed with myself this week as I let this computer crash throw an energy ripple through my life. I forgot to trust, I gave in to the "oh, my goodness" feelings. I forgot it is all organised and sadly I let it affect myself and people around me.
Goodness, why do we still forget even after everything has been working so well for months????

Ah well, like a child that falls down when learning to walk, you don't admonish the child, you just pick them up, dust them off, stand them on their feet and praise them for trying.

I had to do this for my inner child tonight.

Let's go back a few days......................

You may recall we had a HUGE computer crash last year and nothing was able to be retrieved even by the best tech's. I think the shock energy of that may have been lingering in my mind, so when a similar thing happened a few days ago. I revisited these feelings - drats!
I reconciled myself with the possibility of 3 months of work being gone again and I thought I was OK.

Did I take Emergency Essence - no!
Did I use a practitioner disc to clear my aura - no!
Did I walk in the bush and commune to reconnect with nature - no!
Did I acknowledge my inner child and my feelings of helplessness and allow my spirit guide to comfort, support and love me - no!

What I did do was push on, don't we do this in life so often, we think we are strong enough to cope, we'll be fine, we need to be a pillar of strength for others and so we smile on the outside, toughen up and push on. And then what ..............

Well for me, it started when I needed to trim some roses, I caught my finger and in a moment of not thinking ripped it away from the source of the pain very quickly thus tearing my hand right open.
Then the children began to bicker and instead of separating and talking and sharing it all became too much and I stomped off to be alone for a while.
Daryll tried to fix a few things for me and instead of speaking lovingly - noticing the effort he was making, I snapped at him, until he shrugged and walked away.

I knew what to do, but did I ? (all of the above) Nope - I pushed on!
Out of alignment with the universe and knowing it, yet too busy to stop for a few moments to fix what continued to slow me down!

We brainstormed and came up with computer solutions so this could never happen again, armed with new online servers, endless back up hard drives in several locations and new computers, I pondered that perhaps it was a small wake up call for valuable IT material and now it had been noticed and secured, maybe just maybe, we'd get it all back again.

Naturally that was what occurred, all material rightfully returned once the message had been heard and safely backed up.

I guess that is where the story would stop, universe sends a message, people don't listen, universe makes the lesson a bit more shocking, people act on situation, universe re-balances the situation, all well and good!

Except for one thing, the man (or in my case woman) made energy ripple that has gone out.
I do a cleansing of the house, a clearing of energies and all feels better, things seem to flow again, abundance which had been previously blocked for 2-3 days, immediately flows back in again.

It was quite amazing, around 2 minutes after the clearing, orders simply flooded in, people called for bookings, items were sold, invitations to parties arrived - all the minute I released the blockage and allowed it to flow.

You would think I was content - aha! Not so, instead of loving my inner child, I admonished myself for speaking harshly, not having patience with the children and most of all - not trusting that things WERE divinely ordered. I was disappointed in myself, I thought "you should know better, you could have done that better".
Goodness, I was energetically giving my inner child a hiding with a wooden spoon rather than a big hug and congratulations.
Looking up, my father (who had just arrived) says "the chickens are on your balcony again" as I shoosh them down the stairs I jump off the bottom step onto a plank of wood .................. with a 2 inch nail sticking up out of it ....................... yes, if I hadn't punished / hurt myself enough yet, let's make sure the job is done.

As if in slow motion I felt the nail pierce the sole of my shoe, press into my skin, pierce the skin and push up through the muscles and tendons of my foot.
Was I sad, nope! Did I hug my inner child - nope!
I just thought "now look what you have done you silly girl"

Wow - have I got it in for myself lately!

Using my other foot on the wood I pushed up and off the nail (yep, it was in all the way), I hobbled inside, just as Daryll arrived home and told him. He shrugs and says "oh well, you had a shoe on right?"
I pull the shoe off and a cascade of blood pours out of the shoe, it was like one of those hospital series on television where everyone leaps back and gasp holding their mouth.

They all help to clean me up and then disappear, leaving me sitting there looking at a gaping hole and a rapidly swelling foot, a tiny voice inside whispers in a shaky voice "I'm hurt"

Oh my goodness, I FINALLY remember the inner child.
"I'm sorry" I whisper, I energetically embrace her for the first time all week, I feel the hug, the warmth and the gentleness, all thoughts of disappointment and anger dissolve away.
I forgive myself, I remind myself it doesn't matter if we get our of alignment with the universe, it just matters that we get up and have another go. I realise we try to be kind to all those around us and forget ourselves.

I breathe .......................................

May your day be blessed, may you forgive your inner child no matter what they have done (even eating the entire box of chocolates), may you not need to hurt yourself, may you be kind, loving and gentle, may you remember you are a divine being with a divine soul purpose on this earth existence, may you get up, dust yourself off and have another go at whatever it is you are working on achieving and may I thank you on behalf of all universal energies for sharing your efforts and enlightenment with us all.

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