Thursday, February 17, 2011

Using affirmations to uncover and release negative beliefs

A lot of reprogramming the mind has to do with uncovering subconscious beliefs that are blocking the expression of the state of mind desired. These beliefs which create both your inner and outer worlds are below the threshold of the conscious mind - at the level of the subconscious mind. It is here that our experiences, past memories and our reality creating beliefs are stored.
For example, you want to believe your affirmation, I now love and accept myself exactly as I am, to build your self worth and acceptance. Yet, maybe your conditioning has led you to believe that you are not accepted. Therefore every time you tell yourself you are O.K., your subconscious mind contradicts with what it believes to be true.

                Conscious Mind                                                  Subconscious Mind
     I now love & accept myself exactly as I am            I’m afraid you don’t
     I now love & accept myself exactly as I am            In fact there’s a lot you don’t like
     I now love & accept myself exactly as I am            You don’t like much at all about yourself

This pattern may be very well known by some of us. As your subconscious mind shows you to be unworthy, your affirmations fall on deaf ears. What makes this process so insidious is that you may not even be aware your subconscious mind is sabotaging all your efforts.
You never understand why your affirmations fail when other peoples seem to work so well for them. Despite all your hard work you stay in exactly the same place. Sound familiar ?
We talk to ourselves constantly, even if it is only in our mind. That’s O.K. The problem is - we believe what we say. Have a think about what you’re dumping in your mind. Decide whether it is failure directed or success directed.

Here’s some examples of failure directed affirmations:
                People don’t like me                           I need to lose two stone/kgs/lbs
                I’m losing my memory                       It’s hereditary
                We’re in a recession                            I just look at food and get fat
                He/She drives me crazy                     Women lose shape after having a baby
                You’re so lucky - I’m not                   I can’t do anything about it
                I’d never be able to do that               I can’t stand the pressure

And so on it goes, the list is endless, if you listen, with a lot of people you hear them every day.

I am often surprised at spiritually aware people making failure directed affirmations out loud constantly.

Not only do they work extremely well for them, they then say “See I told you so”, when in fact they have received exactly what they requested.

By giving the power of speech to any affirmation they do manifest, and in fact, grow stronger each time they are said. Now, what would be far more productive, is to turn these affirmations around to success directed affirmations and give them power to manifest what we really desire. Instead of saying “I’m exhausted”, which you most likely will be now, say  “I’ll feel really refreshed after I sit down and take a break”.

Remember, the body responds to your commands. Make the subconscious conscious.  Or, rather, bring your most deeply held beliefs about yourself and life to the light, where you are able to transmute them to new beliefs. What you may do is write down two columns, one with your affirmation, the other with all the negative held beliefs against it, write down everything that comes up in your beliefs against what it is you desire.
For example: If you were worried about owning your own home.

                                Affirmation                                         What comes Up
     I am successfully managing my own home              I can’t do it
     I am successfully managing my own home              It’s too much commitment
     I am successfully managing my own home              I’ll never have enough money
     I am successfully managing my own home              No one in my family owns their home

From doing this you shall gain knowledge of the core beliefs that are against you, but more importantly, if you continue writing down your new affirmation in the other column each time, eventually  the negative beliefs will exhaust themselves and be replaced by positive thoughts that emulate from the higher self.

                                Affirmation                                         What comes Up
     I am successfully managing my own home              I have an excellent saving record
     I am successfully managing my own home              I know other’s who own their home
     I am successfully managing my own home              If they can do it, so can I
     I am successfully managing my own home              With the divine plan, all is possible
     I am successfully managing my own home              I know I can succeed

Now, we are being more productive, by replacing this person’s negative beliefs with positive ones, it will draw them closer to the goal they desire. However, as old habits die hard, this process may need to be repeated a few times, to enable the new beliefs to be established, the amount of times will depend on how much you want the goal, how firmly your old beliefs are entrenched and how often you use your affirmation. Even after all this, sometimes your old beliefs may refuse to budge, when this occurs, ask: Where did I come to get these negative beliefs (most of them are gained in childhood), Is there truth in them, do I wish to keep them ?

Once you realise they are destructive and that you have a choice in the matter, you may keep that which you want to and release that you no longer need, or is no longer appropriate to your new growth patterns. If you still stay firmly entrenched with your old beliefs, you may choose to see a therapist about them, Kinesiology is particularly effective here, or you may choose to talk them out with a friend or counsellor, anyone who may assist as a guide to help you through this process of change, release and new growth.


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