Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Using affirmations to heal issues that come up in your life is just as simple and enjoyable as the above process. The following method is quite effective.

Pick an area of your life that needs healing. The topic of your affirmation can involve a relationship, your health, peace of mind, career, finances, etc.
For example, lets choose relationships.
You may decide that you are carrying around some anger that it is now time to release. Decide what you want to happen in that aspect of your life.

Ask yourself “What would it feel like if I had exactly what I wanted in this situation right now ?”
In this example you would most likely want to let go of the old anger and hurt and experience forgiveness and peace.
Using the first person, formulate a statement that exactly expresses your desired outcome. As you choose the words, keep in mind the following: (a) Write your affirmation in the present tense, as if what you desire is happening right now, as an example, you would say  I am peaceful instead of I will feel peaceful.   (b) say it positively. When you say I am not angry, the subconscious mind screens out the “not” and hears “angry” To prevent the situation from recurring, rephrase your affirmation to say exactly what you do want.

Repeat your affirmation every day. As many times as you can remember to, say it outloud, to yourself, or just write it down. Repetition is the way of learning, also by giving voice to your affirmation you give it power - power to create and manifest that which you desire.

Think of the affirmation, made famous by song, every day in every way I’m getting better and better, imagine filling your subconscious mind with these healing words, over and over again. In time your emotional and mental outlook would surely benefit greatly.
By repeating your affirmation you are impressing it upon your subconscious mind, this in turn replaces the old pattern of thinking or beliefs. The more you use your affirmation, the more quickly, and the more powerfully it will work. Soon these words shall become a living presence in your world. After a time you shall even become these words. When you repeat the affirmation I am love, you shall become love, I am serene, you shall become serene.
Allow the final outcome to be given to a higher power. So many times I hear people express their desire for something, only to realise later that to actually receive it would have been a disaster. So often, we think we really want something, however the universe has something else in mind for us - something planned which is for our higher good.

From using manifestations for some time now, to the point where they occur for me with great speed, I have learnt the hard way to think very carefully about exactly what it is I desire and how I wish to receive it.

For a rather way out example, someone may wish for $10 000, however they may not wish to have a car accident, lose a leg and receive that in compensation funds. For this reason I now add to my affirmations: What I request or something better now manifests for me in a satisfying way for the highest good of all concerned.  By doing this I align my own will with that of the universe and then I trust, I trust that I have done the groundwork and everything I can on my part, then I give it back to the universe to do their part. This way we are aligned to the same direction.

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